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She´s My Love - Brainstorm

She´s My Love
She´s My Love

wybierz demo:

Someone wants her body, 
And someone wants her mind, 
And someone tells the stories, 
´Cos someone wants her time. 

And someone wants her bedroom, 
And someone wants her smile, 
And someone wants to love her, 
To love her for a while. 

She´s my love, 
I left her alone behind the door. 
She´s my love, 
She´ll never be loved by anyone anymore. 
She´s my love, 
She´ll never be loved by anyone. 

And someone wants to take her, 
And someone wants her dreams, 
And someone wants to play games, 
And she knows what it means. 

She´s my love, 
I left her alone behind the door. 
She´s my love, 
She´ll never be loved by anyone anymore. 
She´s my love, 
She´ll never be loved by anyone. 


Yeah, yes she´s my love, 
I left her alone behind the door. 
She´s my love, 
She´ll never be loved by anyone anymore. 
She´s my love, 
She´ll never be loved by anyone. 

She´s my love, 
She´s my love, 
She´s my love, 
She´s my love. 

She´s my love, 
She´ll never be loved by anyone. 
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