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Roll With The Wind - Alexander Rybak

Roll With The Wind
Roll With The Wind
Alexander Rybak
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

I won´t blame the hurting on you 
You left in the sweetest way 
I won’t say that it´s you 
Making me feel this way 

It’s the heart and the soul 
And the body and the brain 
Driving me insane 
But the wind and the land 
And the fire and the rain 
Always stay the same 

While I roll with the wind 
Bringing distance to everything 
Ayayay! Wohoow! 

While I sit by the fire 
And glance at the pouring rain 
Ayayay! Ayayay! 

I won´t claim it´s all ´cause of you 
I guess that I play a part 
It’s just that I never knew 
I´d fall for you from the start 

There’s a whole in my heart 
And a picture in a frame 
Driving me insane 
But the wind and the land 
And the fire and the rain 
Always stay the same 

While I roll with the wind 
Bringing distance to everything 
Ayayay! Wohoow! 

While I sit by the fire 
And glance at the pouring rain 
Ayayay! Ayayay! 

I would never blame you for the heartache 
I would never blame you for the tears 
I blame my stubborn heart, soul and body 
Every single thing around me stays the same 
No matter what (what... what... what... what... what... what... what...) 

While I roll with the wind 
Bringing distance to everything 
Ayayay! Wohoow! 

While I sit by the fire 
And glance at the pouring rain 
Ayayay! Ayayay! 

While I roll with the wind 
Bringing distance to everything 
Ayayay! Wohoow! 

While I sit by the fire 
And glance at the pouring rain 
Ayayay! Ayayay! 
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