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Susanna Dance - Art. Company

Susanna Dance
Susanna Dance
Art. Company
czas trwania:

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Music Soft for YAMAHA
Music Soft for KORG
We set together on the sofa 
With the music way down low 
I waited so long for this moment 
It´s hard to think it´s really so 

The door is locked, there´s no one 
They´ve all gone out, we´re all alone 

Susanna, Susanna 
Susanna, I´m crazy loving you. 
Susanna, Susanna 
Susanna, I´m crazy loving you. 

I put my arms around her shoulders 
Run my fingers through her hair 
It´s a dream, I can´t believe it 
It took so long, it´s only fair... 

The door is locked, there´s no one 
They´ve all gone out, we´re all alone 

Susanna, Susanna 
Susanna, I´m crazy loving you. 
Susanna, Susanna 
Susanna, I´m crazy loving you. 

The door is locked, there´s no one 
They´ve all gone out, we´re all alone 

Susanna, Susanna 
Susanna, I´m crazy loving you. 
Susanna, Susanna 
Susanna, I´m crazy loving you. 
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