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Aquarius (musical Hair) - Sasha Allen & Tribe

Aquarius (musical Hair)
Aquarius (musical Hair)
Sasha Allen & Tribe
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

When the moon 
Is in the seventh house 
And Jupiter aligns with Mars 
Then peace will guide the planets 
And love will steer the stars 

This is the dawning 
Of the age of Aquarius, 
The age of Aquarius, 
Aquarius, Aquarius 

Harmony and understanding, 
Sympathy and trust abounding 
No more false hoods or derisions, 
Golden living dreams of visions, 
Mystic crystal revelation 
And the mind´s true liberation 

Aquarius, Aquarius 

When the moon 
Is in the seventh house 
And Jupiter aligns with Mars 
Then peace will guide the planets 
And love will steer the stars 

This is the dawning 
Of the age of Aquarius, 
The age of Aquarius, 
Aquarius, Aquarius 
Aquarius, Aquarius 
Aquarius, Aquarius 
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do tego utworu

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