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Cowboy´s Sweetheart - Alicja Boncol & Koalicja

Cowboy´s Sweetheart
Cowboy´s Sweetheart
Alicja Boncol & Koalicja
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

I want to be cowboy´s sweetheart 
I want to learn to rope and to ride 
I want to ride o´er the plains and the deserts 
Out west of the great divide 

I want hear the coyotes howlin´ 
While the sun sinks in the west 
I want to be cowboy´s sweetheart 
That´s the life that I love best 


I want to ride old paint going at a run 
I want to feel the wind in my face 
A thousand miles from these city lights 
Goin at a cowhand´s pace 

I want to pillow my head 
Near the sleeping herd 
While the moon shines down from above 
I want to strum my guitar and yodelaehoo 
Oh that´s the life that I love 

I want to be cowboy´s sweetheart 
I want to learn to rope and to ride 
I want to ride o´er the plains and the deserts 
Out west of the great divide 

I want hear the coyotes howlin´ 
While the sun sinks in the west 
I want to be cowboy´s sweetheart 
That´s the life that I love best 


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