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Big Log - Robert Plant

Big Log
Big Log
Robert Plant
czas trwania:

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My love is in league with the freeway, 
It´s passion will ride as the cities fly by, 
And the tail lights dissolve in the coming of night, 
And the questions in thousands take flight. 
My love is the miles and the waiting, 
The eyes that just stare, 
And the glance at the clock, 
And the secret that burns, 
And the pain that won´t stop, 
And it´s fuelled once again. 
Leading me on, 
Leading me down the road. 
Driving me on, 
Driving me down the road. 

My love is exceeding the limit, 
Redeyed and fevered with the hum of the miles, 
Distance and longing, my thoughts do collide, 
Should I rest for a while at the side? 
Your love is cradled in knowing, 
Eyes in the mirror, still expecting they´ll come, 
Sensing too well when the journey is done. 
There is no turning back, no 
There is no turning back, on the run. 

My love is in league with the freeway. 
Oh, with the freeway, 
And the coming of night time. 
My love, my love 
Is in league with the freeway. 
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