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Union Mare And The Confederate Grey - Waylon Jennings

Union Mare And The Confederate Grey
Union Mare And The Confederate Grey
Waylon Jennings
czas trwania:

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Two horses were trotting, 
They pranced and they ran 
Each one was commanded 
By a cavalry man 
Two horses stood grazing 
Where their dead riders lay 
A union mare and 
The confederate grey 

They nuzzled each other 
As they teased and had fun 
They bathed in the warm rays 
Of the old southern sun 
No more senseless orders 
For them to obey 
So they acted like lovers, 
This mare and this grey 

Now these are such sad times 
That we´re all living in 
For killing you brother 
Is the mightiest sin 
How happy we´d be 
If we acted the way 
Of the union mare and 
The confederate grey 

Two horses were trotting, 
They pranced and they ran 
Each one was commanded 
By a cavalry man 
Two horses stood grazing 
Where their dead riders lay 
A union mare and 
The confederate grey 
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