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It Must Have Been Love - Roxette

It Must Have Been Love
It Must Have Been Love
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It must have been love, 
But it´s over now. 

Lay a whisper on my pillow, 
Leave the winter on the ground. 
I wake up lonely, 
I stare at silence, 
In the bedroom all around. 

Touch me now, 
I close my eyes, 
Dream away. 

It must have been love, 
But it´s over now. 
It must have been good, 
But I lost it somehow. 

It must have been love, 
But it´s over now. 
From the moment we touched, 
Till the time I ran out. 

Make believing we´re together, 
That I´m sheltered by your heart. 
But in and outside I turn to water, 
Like a teardrop in your arms. 

And it´s a hard winter´s day, 
I dream away. 

It must have been love, 
But it´s over now. 
It was all that I wanted, 
Now I´m living without. 

It must have been love, 
But it´s over now. 
It´s where the water flows, 
It´s where the wind blows. 
It must have been love, 
But it´s over now. 
It must have been good, 
But I lost it somehow. 

It must have been love, 
But it´s over now. 
From the moment we touched, 
Till the time I ran out. 

It must have been love, 
But it´s over now. 
It was all that I wanted, 
Now I´m living without. 

It must have been love, 
But it´s over now. 
It´s where the water flows, 
It´s where the wind blows. 

It must have been love, 
But it´s over now, aaaaa. 
It must have been love, 
But it´s over now, aaaaa. 
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