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How Much Is The Fish - Scooter

How Much Is The Fish
How Much Is The Fish
autor slow:
Jens Peter Thele, H. P. Baxxter, Axel Coon, Rick J. Jordan
autor muzyki:
Jens Peter Thele, H. P. Baxxter, Axel Coon, Rick J. Jordan

wybierz demo:

The chase is better than the catch.

Transforming the tunes,
we need your support.
If you got the press pack,
it´s the first page 
of the second chapter.

Get the back for the rhythm attack.
Coming down on the floor like a maniac.
Get on the back for the rhythm attack.
Get down in full effect.
Get on the back for the rhythm attack.
Coming down on the floor like a maniac.
Get the check so clean up the dish.
By the way how much is the fish?

How much is the fish?
Here we go, here we go,
Here we go again. Yeah.
Sunshine in the air.

2. Strophe
We´re breakin´ the rules, 
ignore the machine,
you won´t ever stop this.
The chase is better than the catch.

2. Refrain
Get the back for the rhythm attack.
Coming down on the floor like a maniac.
Get on the back for the rhythm attack.
Get down in full effect.
Get on the back for the rhythm attack.
Coming down on the floor like a maniac.
Get the check so clean up the dish.
By the way how much is the fish?

How much is the fish? Yeehah!
Sunshine in the air.

Call it
Na na nanana na nana, na na na na.
Na na nanana na na na na.
...na nana, na na na na.
Na na nana na na na na na.
Come on...
Together... Yeah...
How much is the fish?
How much is the fish? Yeah.
Come on, come on. Aaah
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