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Caribbean Melodies (Medley) - Harry Belafonte

Caribbean Melodies (Medley)
Caribbean Melodies (Medley)
Harry Belafonte

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1. Island in the sun
Oh, island in the sun, willed to me by fathers hand,
all my days I will sing in praise of your forests, waters, your
shining sand.
This is my island in the sun where my people have toiled since
time begun, I may sail on many a sea,
her shores will always be home to me.
Oh, island in the sun, willed to me by fathers hand,
all my days I will sing in praise of your forests, waters, your
shining sand.

2. Jamaica Farewell
Down in the way where the nights are gay and the sun shines daily
on the mountain top.
I took a trip on a sailing ship and when I reached a little girl
in Kingston town.
Sounds of laughter ev´rywhere and the dancing girls swaying to and
fro. I must declare,
my heart is there, tho I´ve been from Maine to Mexico. But I´m

Sad to say, I´m on my way, won´t be back for many day.
My heart is down, my head is turning around, I had to leave a
little girl in Kingston town.

3. Banana Boat
Work all night on a drink of rum. Daylight come and me wan´ go
Stack banana till de morning come. Daylight come and me wan´ go
Come Mister tally man, tally me banana. Daylight come and me wan´
go home.
Come Mister tally man, tally me banana. Daylight come and me wan´
go home.
Lift six hand, seven hand, eight hand bunch. Daylight come and me
wan´ go home.
Sixhand, sevenhand, eighthand bunch. Daylight come and me wan´ go

Day - o, day - o, Daylight come and me wan´ go home.
Day - o, day - o, Daylight come and me wan´ go home.

4. Matilda
Matilda, Matilda, Matilda she take me money and run Venuzela.
Matilda, Matilda, Matilda she take me money and run Venuzela.
Five hundred dollars friend I lost, woman even take me cart and
Matilda she take me money and run Venuzela.
Matilda, Matilda, Matilda she take me money and run Venuzela.
Matilda, Matilda, Matilda she take me money and run Venuzela.

5. Angelina
Angelina, Angelina please bring down your concertina,
and play a welcome for me ´cause I´ll be coming home from sea.
Angelina, Angelina please bring down your concertina,
and play a welcome for me ´cause I´ll be coming home from sea.
Yes it´s so long since I be ho since like there´s no place to row
well I sailed aroundly horn I´m been from San Jose, of Joe
Budingbay and I road of Madiston.
Angelina, Angelina please bring down your concertina,
and play a welcome for me ´cause I´ll be coming home from sea.
Angelina, Angelina please bring down your concertina,
and play a welcome for me ´cause I´ll be coming home from sea.
Well I heart the body too´s I´ve been in Honky Tonk Saloons I took
my litter by the bed I will a stay the call for a ramsing ball hoh
for sway my hut.
Angelina, Angelina please bring down your concertina,
and play a welcome for me ´cause I´ll be coming home from sea.
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