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Koszyk jest pusty.
Twój koszyk

Karolina - Giulia

autor slow:
Marius Nedelcu
autor muzyki:
Adi Cristian Colceru, Liviu Gabriel Huiban

wybierz demo:

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When everybody´s on the floor 
I take a bag, I put them all 
I see the lights, I hear the sound 
I gotta take the back door 
I run and hide, I have no time 
Outside the rain it starts to fall 
Ignore the cold, ignore them all 
I´m gonna be a rich girl. 

Karolina rolina tell me what have you done? 
I don´t know. 
Why you always have to go. 
Karolina rolina where are you gonna run? 
Don´t you know? 
Your wanted picture is on every wall. 

I check into a small hotel turn off 
The lights and lock the door 
I change my hair, 
I change my clothes got 
Running shoes, sun glasses on 
A fake I´d, a brand new life 
I´m ready now to hit the road 
Behind the wheel, I think of him but 
I still drive to Mexico. 

Boy you know I meant to call you 
To tell you that I love you 
Bout my love I never was a liar. 

Karolina rolina tell me what have you done? 
I don´t know. 
Why you always have to go. 
Karolina rolina where are you gonna run? 
Don´t you know? Don´t you know? 

Karolina rolina tell me what have you done? 
I don´t know. 
Why you always have to go. 
Karolina rolina where are you gonna run? 
Don´t you know? 
Your wanted picture is on every wall. 
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