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Coconut 3 Medley - Saragossa Band

Coconut 3 Medley
Coconut 3 Medley
Saragossa Band

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Gimme hope Jo´anna                 

Well Johanna, she runs a country,
she runs in Durban and the Transvaal.
She makes a few of her people happy,
oh she don´t care about the rest at all.
She´s got a system they call apartheid,
it keeps a brother in a subjection
but maybe pressure will make Johanna
see how everybody could a live as one.

    Gimme hope, Johanna hope Johanna,
    gimme hope, Johanna ´fore the morning come,
    gimme hope, Johanna hope Johanna,
    hope before the morning comes.

I hear she make all the golden money
to buy new weapons, any shape of guns,
while every mother in a black
So we to fears the killing of another son.
Sneakin´ across all the neighbours borders
now and again having little fun,
she doesn´t care if the fun and games she
play is dang´rous to ev´ryone.

    Oho Gimme hope ...

    Gimme hope ...

Que sera mi vida               

If you should go, go, go, go, go, go
If you should go, go, go, go, go, go

Que sera mi vida.
How I´m gonna live without your love
If ever you should go.
Que sera mi vida.
How I´m gonna find my way alone
If ever you should go.

How can I know what I would do
If I was really losing you
When it isn´t true 
How can I know how I´d react
Before I have to face the fact
Of a broken heart.

If you should go, go, go, go, go, go
If you should go, go, go, go, go, go
If you should go, go, go, go, go, go
If you should go, go, go, go, go, go

Que sera mi vida.
How I´m gonna live without your love
If ever you should go.
Que sera mi vida.
How I´m gonna find my way alone
If ever you should go.

Kissin´ in the back row of the Movies  

    Kissin´ in the back row on the movies
    on a Saturday night with you
    Holding hands together you and I
    Holding hands together yeah
    Smoochin´ in the back row of the movies
    on a Saturday night with you
    We could stay forever you and I
    We could stay forever you and I
    Loving the kissin´ in the back row of the movies

Every night I pick you up from school
´Cos you´re my steady date,
But from Monday through to Friday night
I leave you at the gate.
We can´t have too much fun
Until your homework´s done,
But when the week-end comes,
my friends know where I´ll be.

    Kissin´ in the back row ...

    Kissin´ in the back row ...

    Kissin´ in the back row on the movies
    on a Saturday night with you
    Holding hands together you and I
    Holding hands together yeah
    Smoochin´ in the back row of the movies
    on a Saturday night with you
    We could stay forever you and I
    We could stay forever you and I
    Loving the kissin´ in the back row of the movies

    Kissin´ in the back row on the movies
    on a Saturday night with you
    Holding hands together you and I
    Holding hands together yeah
    Smoochin´ in the back row of the movies
    on a Saturday night with you
    We could stay forever you and I
    We could stay forever you and I
    Loving the kissin´ in the back row of the movies
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