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Do The Hustle - Party Factory

Do The Hustle
Do The Hustle
Party Factory

wybierz demo:

Hey! You wanna dance? 
Hey, hey, hey! Wanna dance? 

Hey, wanna dance? 

Do the Hustle! 
Do the Hustle! 

It´s here a special kind of dance 
Common and take the chance 
Be free and be sure you how to 
Drive and leavin´ 

I´m on let´s dance up through the night 
Together side-by-side 
You´ll see how easy it will be 

Do the Hustle! 
Do the Hustle! 
Do the Hustle! 
You wanna dance 
Do the Hustle! 
Hey, hey, hey! Wanna dance? 

Don´t care all people all around 
Just listen to the sound and fly 
Into dreams and they come true forever 
No way the time is here and now 
And we´ll just show you how 
You get to the top and never stop 

Do the Hustle! 
Do the Hustle! 
Do the Hustle! 
Wanna dance? 
Do the Hustle! 
Hey, hey, hey! Wanna dance? 
Hey, wanna dance? 

Na, na, nanananana... 
To the left, to the right, 
To the left, to the right, 
Na, na, nanananana... 
Move, move, move 
Move your hands and hands up 
Na, na... 
(Hey, you wanna dance?) 
To the left, to the right, 
To the left, to the right, 
Na, na, nanananana... 
Move, move, move 
Move your hands and hands up 

Do the Hustle! 
Do the Hustle! 
Do the Hustle! 
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na... 
Do the Hustle! 
Na, na, na, na, na... 
You wanna dance? 
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