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Nothing Else Matters - Metallica & San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Nothing Else Matters
Nothing Else Matters
Metallica & San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
autor slow:
James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich
autor muzyki:
James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich
czas trwania:

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So close no matter how far, 
Couldn´t be much more from the heart, 
Forever trusting who we are, 
And nothing else matters. 

Never opened myself this way, 
Life is ours, we live it our way, 
All these words I don´t just say, 
And nothing else matters. 

Trust I seek and I find in you, 
Every day for us something new, 
Open mind for a different view, 
And nothing else matters. 

Never cared for what they do, 
Never cared for what they know, 
But I know. 

So close no matter how far, 
Couldn´t be much more from the heart, 
Forever trusting who we are, 
And nothing else matters. 

Never cared for what they do, 
Never cared for what they know, 
But I know. 
Never opened myself this way, 
Life is ours, we live it our way, 
All these words I don´t just say 
And nothing else matters. 

Trust I seek and I find in you, 
Every day for us something new, 
Open mind for a different view, 
And nothing else matters. 

Never cared for things they say, 
Never cared for games they play, 
I never cared for what they do, 
I never cared for what they know, 
And I know. 
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