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Last Exit To Brooklyn - Modern Talking

Last Exit To Brooklyn
Last Exit To Brooklyn
Modern Talking

wybierz demo:

I cannot sleep the night is young 
I cannot eat I want some fun 
I pick you up Route 66. 
Life gives me a kick 
I cannot live I love this life 
I cannot die can I survive? 
I cannot breathe without your love 
I can`t get enough. 
It`s the last exit to Brooklyn 
New York city always waiting. 
He´s a new boy he´s a party guy 
baby let`s dance and have some joy. 
West Coast East Side 
that is the place where 
you will find me I wanna live there. 
New York city boy L.A. party girl 
baby let`s dance in that new world. 
4601 East Avenue 
why does my heart ache 
it´s just for you? 
I cannot live you more I´ll give 
baby please forgive. 
I cannot tell you thousand lies 
I have the love right in my eyes. 
The night is young I want your heart 
baby can we start? 
It`s the last exit to Brooklyn 
New York city always waiting. 
He´s a new boy he´s a party guy 
baby let`s dance and have some joy. 
West Coast East Side 
that is the place where 
you will find me I wanna live there. 
New York city boy L.A. party girl 
baby let`s dance in that new world. 
Party up party up party up baby. 
Party up party up baby. 
Party up party up party up baby. 
Party up party up baby. 
It`s the last exit to Brooklyn 
New York city always waiting. 
He´s a new boy he´s a party guy 
baby let`s dance and have some joy. 
West Coast East Side 
that is the place where 
you will find me I wanna live there. 
New York city boy L.A. party girl. 
It`s the last exit to Brooklyn...! 
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