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S.O.S. - Dr Bombay

Dr Bombay

wybierz demo:

I live in tiger land I´m an Indiana man,
I used to walk around
with the spice in my hand.

But Bombay is my name
and my father had the same,
but everything has changed

here in tiger land.
(S.O.S.) the tigers took my father,
(S.O.S.) the tigers took my brother,

(S.O.S.) the tigers took my mother,
(S.O.S.) the tigers took my family.
Eeh do ra ray, do ra rah rah, do ra ray.

Eeh do ra ray, do ra rah rah, do ray.
We lived here in Kalkutta
in our little wooden house,

I lived there with my family
and 21 cows...
But now they all are gone

and life is not so fun,
But what can you expect here in tiger land.
(S.O.S.) the tigers took my father,

(S.O.S.) the tigers took my brother,
(S.O.S.) the tigers took my mother,
(S.O.S.) the tigers took my family.

One day in the warm jungle
the tiger took my steak,
it wasn´t really fun,

it was a big mistake.
I took my father´s slingshot
and shot the tiger down,

this is how we do it here in tiger land.
(S.O.S.) the tigers took my father,
(S.O.S.) the tigers took my brother,

(S.O.S.) the tigers took my mother,
(S.O.S.) the tigers took my family.
Eeh do ra ray, dow ra rah rah, dow ra ray.

Eeh do ra ray, dow ra rah, dow ra ray.
Eeh do ra ray, dow ra rah rah, dow ra ray.
Eeh do ra ray, dow ra rah, dow ra ray.

(S.O.S.) the tigers took my father,
(S.O.S.) the tigers took my brother,
(S.O.S.) the tigers took my mother,

(S.O.S.) the tigers took my family.
(S.O.S.) the tigers took my father,
(S.O.S.) the tigers took my brother,

(S.O.S.) the tigers took my mother,
(S.O.S.) the tigers took my family.
(S.O.S.) the tigers took my family.

(S.O.S.) the tigers took my family.
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