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C´est La Vie - Texas Lightning

C´est La Vie
C´est La Vie
Texas Lightning

wybierz demo:

It was a teenage wedding, 
And the old folks wished them well 
You could see that Pierre did truly 
Love the madamoiselle 
And now the young monsieur 
And madame have rung the chapel bell, 
"C´est la vie", say the old folks, 
It goes to show you never can tell 

They furnished off an apartment 
With a two room Roebuck sale 
The coolerator was crammed 
With TV dinners and ginger ale, 
But when Pierre found work, 
The little money comin´ worked out well 
"C´est la vie", say the old folks, 
It goes to show you never can tell 

They had a hifi phono, boy, 
Did they let it blast 
Seven hundred little records, 
All rock, rhythm and jazz 
But when the sun went down, 
The rapid tempo of the music fell 
"C´est la vie", say the old folks, 
It goes to show you never can tell 
O yeah! 

They bought a soupedup jitney, 
´Twas a cherry red ´53, 
They drove it down to Orleans 
To celebrate the anniversary 
It was there that Pierre was married 
To the lovely madamoiselle 
"C´est la vie", say the old folks, 
It goes to show you never can tell 
O yeah! 

It was a teenage wedding, 
And the old folks wished them well 
You could see that Pierre did truly 
Love the madamoiselle 

And now the young monsieur 
And madame have rung the chapel bell, 
"C´est la vie", say the old folks, 
It goes to show you never can tell 

"C´est la vie", say the old folks, 
It goes to show you never can tell 
"C´est la vie", say the old folks, 
It goes to show you never can tell 
O yeah! 
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