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Never Do A Tango With An Eskimo (świąteczna) - Alma Cogan

Never Do A Tango With An Eskimo (świąteczna)
Never Do A Tango With An Eskimo (świąteczna)
Alma Cogan
autor slow:
Alma Cogan
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Alma Cogan
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You must never do a tango with an Eskimo, 
No, no, no, oh dear no, 
When a lady from Nebraska´s 
At a party in Alaska, 
She must never do a tango with an Eskimo. 

You can do it with a Latin, 
From Manilla to Manhattan, 
You can do it with a gaucho in Brazil, 
But if once those Eskimoses 
Start to wiggle with their toeses, 
You can bet your life you´re gonna get a chill. 

You can never do a tango with an Eskimo, 
No, no, no, oh dear no, 
If you do, you´ll get the breeze up, 
And you´ll end up with a freeze up, 
You must never do a tango with an Eskimo, 
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 
You must never do a tango with an Eskimo, 
No, no, no, oh dear no, 
When a lady from Nebraska´s 
At a party in Alaska, 
She must never do a tango with an Eskimo. 

You can do it with a sailor 
From Peru to Venezuela, 
You can do it with a Apaches in Paree, 
But if once an Eskimoses 
Starts to cuddle up so cosy, 
You´ll find your passion cooling, 
Yes sirree… 

You can never do a tango with an Eskimo, 
No, no, no, oh dear no, 
If you do, you´ll get the breeze up, 
And you´ll end up with a freeze up, 
You must never do a tango with an Eskimo, 
No, no, no, oh no, no, no, no, no... 
Never do a tango with an Eskimo, 
No, no, no. 
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