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Little Donkey (świąteczna) - Gracie Fields

Little Donkey (świąteczna)
Little Donkey (świąteczna)
Gracie Fields

wybierz demo:

Little donkey, carry Mary, 
Safely on her way. 

Little donkey, little donkey, 
On the dusty road, 
Got to keep on plodding onwards, 
With your precious load. 

Been a long time, little donkey, 
Through the winter’s night, 
Don’t give up now, little donkey, 
Bethlehem’s in sight. 

Ring out those bells tonight, 
Bethlehem, Bethlehem, 
Follow that star tonight, 
Bethlehem, Bethlehem. 

Little donkey, little donkey, 
Had a heavy day, 
Little donkey, carry Mary, 
Safely on her way. 

Little donkey, little donkey, 
Journey´s end is near, 
There are wise men waiting for a 
Sign to bring them here. 

Do not falter, little donkey, 
There´s a star ahead, 
It will guide you, little donkey, 
To a cattle shed. 

Ring out those bells tonight, 
Bethlehem, Bethlehem, 
Follow that star tonight, 
Bethlehem, Bethlehem. 

Little donkey, little donkey, 
Had a heavy day, 
Little donkey, carry Mary, 
Safely on her way. 

Little donkey, carry Mary, 
Safely on her way, 

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