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San Bernadino - Tony Christie

San Bernadino
San Bernadino
Tony Christie

wybierz demo:

I´ve been all around this great, 
Big world to Paris and to Rome, 
And I´ve never found a place 
That I could really call my own, 
But there´s one place where I know 
The sun is shining endlessly, 
And it´s calling me across the sea, 
So I must get back to San Bernadino. 

I remember when I was sixteen, 
My Daddy said to me: 
You could travel 
Round this universe until eternity, 
But you´ll never find that peace of mind 
That you´ve been dreaming of, 
Not until you finally decide 
To come on home to San Bernadino. 
Oh, I´m longing for San Bernadino, 
Oh, I´m longing for San Bernadino. 

I´ve been all along the water 
Right up to the Rio Grande, 
And I´ve never found that paradise, 
They call the Promised Land, 
I was young and foolishly, 
I thought the world was at my feet, 
But I´m no different now 
And so I´m a homeward bound 
For San Bernadino. 

Well, I´m older and I´m wiser, 
And I´ve seen the light of day, 
And I think it´s time to realize 
My dreams have gone astray, 
But I´ve tried so hard to reach 
That star that was so far away, 
But now I´ve got to find that road, 
That´s leading home to San Bernadino. 
Oh, I´m longing for San Bernadino, 
Oh, I´m longing for San Bernadino. 
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