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Christmas Must Be Tonight (świąteczna) - The Band

Christmas Must Be Tonight (świąteczna)
Christmas Must Be Tonight (świąteczna)
The Band

wybierz demo:

Come down to the manger, 
See the little stranger, 
Wrapped in swaddling clothes, 
The prince of peace, 
Wheels start turning, 
Torches start burning, 
And the old wise men journey from the East. 

How a little baby boy 
Bring the people so much joy, 
Son of a carpenter, 
Mary carried the light, 
This must be Christmas, 
Must be tonight. 

A shepherd on a hillside, 
While over my flock I bide, 
Oh, a cold winter night, 
A band of angels sing, 
In a dream I heard a voice saying: 
"Fear not, come rejoice", 
It´s the end of the beginning, 
Praise the new borned King. 

How a little baby boy 
Bring the people so much joy, 
Son of a carpenter, 
Mary carried the light, 
This must be Christmas, 
Must be tonight. 

I saw it with my own eyes, 
Written up in the skies, 
But why a simple herdsmen such as I, 
And then it came to pass, 
He was born at last, 
Right below the star that shines on high. 

How a little baby boy 
Bring the people so much joy, 
Son of a carpenter, 
Mary carried the light, 
This must be Christmas, 
Must be tonight. 

Son of a carpenter, 
Mary carried the light, 
This must be Christmas, 
Must be tonight, 
Be tonight, 
Be tonight, 
Be tonight, 
Be tonight, 
Be tonight, 
Be tonight, 
Be tonight, 
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