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Lonely This Christmas (świąteczna) - Mud

Lonely This Christmas (świąteczna)
Lonely This Christmas (świąteczna)

wybierz demo:

Try to imagine a house 
That’s not a home, 
Try to imagine 
A Christmas all alone, 
That’s where I’ll be 
Since you left me, 
My tears could melt the snow, 
What can I do without you? 
I’ve got no place, 
No place to go. 

It’ll be lonely this Christmas, 
Without you to hold, 
It’ll be lonely this Christmas, 
Lonely and cold, 
It’ll be cold, so cold, 
Without you to hold 
This Christmas. 

Each time, I remember 
The day you went away, 
And how I would listen 
To the things you had to say, 
I just break down as I look around, 
And the only things I see, 
Are emptiness and loneliness, 
And an unlit Christmas tree. 

It’ll be lonely this Christmas, 
Without you to hold, 
It’ll be lonely this Christmas, 
Lonely and cold, 
It’ll be cold, so cold, 
Without you to hold 
This Christmas. 

You remember last year, 
When you and I were here, 
We never thought there’d be an end, 
And I remember looking at you then, 
And I remember thinking: 
That Christmas must have been made for us, 
‘Cos darling, this is the time of year, 
That you really need love, 
When it means so very, very much. 

So it’ll be lonely this Christmas, 
Without you to hold, 
It’ll be so very lonely this Christmas, 
Lonely and cold. 

It’ll be lonely this Christmas, 
Without you to hold, 
It’ll be lonely this Christmas, 
Lonely and cold, 
It’ll be cold, so cold, 
Without you to hold 
This Christmas. 

Merry Christmas, darling 
Wherever you are… 
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