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Reggae Medley - Diverse

Reggae Medley

wybierz demo:

Everybody loves to dance
With another summer romance
Uh baby.

Everybody likes to move
All the fellas having the groove
Uh baby, baby

Everybody move your feet
To the rhythm of this beat.
Everybody sing this song
All the people having fun.

Everybody move your feet
To the rhythm of this beat.
Everybody sing this song
All the people having fun.

Come on over have some fun
Dancin´ in the mornin´ sun,
Look into the bright blue sky,
Come and let your spirit fly.

Livin´ it up this brand new day,
Summer sun, it´s time to play,
Doing things that feel so good,
Get into the motion.

And what I´m feeling,
Never been so easy.
And when I´m dreaming summer dreaming.
When you´re with me.

Feeling, never been so easy.

All the games people play now,
Every nite and every day now,
Never meaning what they say yeah,
Never say what they mean.

First you wind away your hours
In your concrete towers
Soon you´ll be covered up in flowers
In the back of a black limousine.

All the games people play now,
Every nite and every day now,
Never meaning what they say yeah,
Never say what they mean.

First you wind away your hours
In your concrete towers
Soon you´ll be covered up in flowers
In the back of a black limousine.

Could you be loved and be loved?
Could you be loved and be loved?
Could you be loved and be loved?
Could you be loved and be loved?

Reggae night,
We come together
When the feelin´s right.

Reggae night,
And we´ll be jammin
´Till the morning light.

Reggae night,
We come together
When the feelin´s right.

Reggae night,
And we´ll be jammin
´Till the morning light.

Everybody loves to dance
With another summer romance
Uh baby.

Everybody likes to move
All the fellas having the groove
Uh baby, baby

Everybody move your feet
To the rhythm of this beat.
Everybody sing this song
All the people having fun.

Everybody move your feet
To the rhythm of this beat.
Everybody sing this song
All the people having fun.
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