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I Write Sins Not Tradgedies - Panic! At The Disco

I Write Sins Not Tradgedies
I Write Sins Not Tradgedies
Panic! At The Disco

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Oh, well imagine, 
As I´m pacing the pews in a church corridor, 
And I can´t help but to hear, 
No I can´t help but to hear an exchanging of words: 
"What a beautiful wedding! 
What a beautiful wedding!" 
Says a bridesmaid to a waiter. 
"And yes, but what a shame, what a shame, 
The poor groom´s bride is a whore." 

I´d chime in with a "Haven´t you people ever heard of 
Closing a goddamn door?!" 
No, it´s much better to face these kinds of things, 
With a sense of poise and rationality. 
I´d chime in, "Haven´t you people ever heard of 
Closing a goddamn door?!" 
No, it´s much better to face these kinds of things 
With a sense of... 

Well in fact, well I´ll look at it this way, 
I mean technically our marriage is saved. 
Well this calls for a toast, so pour the champagne. 
Oh! Well in fact, well I´ll look at it this way, 
I mean technically our marriage is saved. 
Well this calls for a toast, 
So pour the champagne, pour the champagne. 
I´d chime in with a "Haven´t you people ever heard of 
Closing a goddamn door?!" 
No, it´s much better to face these kinds of things, 
With a sense of poise and rationality. 
I´d chime in, "Haven´t you people ever heard of 
Closing a goddamn door?!" 
No, it´s much better to face these kinds of things, 
With a sense of poise and rationality. 


I´d chime in with a "Haven´t you people ever heard of 
Closing a goddamn door?!" 
No, it´s much better to face these kinds of things, 
With a sense of poise and rationality. 
I´d chime in, "Haven´t you people ever heard of 
Closing a goddamn door?!" 
No, it´s much better to face these kinds of things 
With a sense of poise and rationality. 

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