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Turning Away From Love - Shakin´ Stevens

Turning Away From Love
Turning Away From Love
Shakin´ Stevens

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None of your friends come near you, 
They´ve given up trying to steer you, 
Because your turning away, 
Turning away from love. 
Lately you look so ragged, 
The edge of your hearts become jagged. 
And your turning away, 
Turning away from love. 

I say your turning away, 
Turning away from love. 
I say your turning away, 
Turning away from love. 
Well she gives it to you without asking for it, 
A piece of her heart ever lasting. 
But your turning away, 
Turning away from love. 
Just when this old world needs 
All of the love it can get. 
Your turning away, 
Turning away from the one who really cares. 
Your turning away from love, 
I say your turning away, 
Turning away from love. 
I say turning away, 
Turning away from love. 
Just when this old world needs 
All of the love you can give. 
Your turning away, 
Turning away from the one 
Who really cares. 

You turning away from love. 

I say your turning away, 
Turning away from love. 
I say your turning away, 
Turning away from love. 
Well she gives it to you without asking for it, 
A piece of her heart ever lasting. 
But your turning away, 
Turning away from love. 

I say your turning away, 
Turning away from love. 
I say your turning away, 
Turning away from love. 
I say your turning away, 
Turning away from love. 
I say your turning away, 
Turning away from love. 

No, no, no... 

Turning away, 
Turning away from love. 
I say your turning away, 
Turning away from love. 
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