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Fly Flamingo - Goombay Dance Band

Fly Flamingo
Fly Flamingo
Goombay Dance Band
autor slow:
Ernest Clinton, Jochen Petersen
autor muzyki:
Ernest Clinton, Jochen Petersen
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

With the money I will make, 
The next plane I hope to take, 
If the bird gets heavy for me, 
I’ll be back just in time. 

I see Louisa scratching by back, 
And the children playing loud, 
When the dogs bark in the back yard, 
I feel I’m home once again. 

Fly, fly away, fly away my flamingo, 
Back to my home across the see, 
Fly, fly away, fly away my flamingo, 
Fly away, fly away, fly away, 
Bring the message to me. 
Creole mummies plaiting the hair, 
It’s time for a jumbo reeve, 
It’s parole and this place starts jamming, 
I feel right of a place. 

With the money I will make, 
The next plane I hope to take, 
If the bird gets heavy for me, 
I’ll be back just in time. 

Fly, fly away, fly away my flamingo, 
Back to my home across the see, 
Fly, fly away, fly away my flamingo, 
Fly away, fly away, fly away, 
Bring the message to me. 
Fly, fly away, fly away my flamingo, 
Back to my home across the see, 
Fly, fly away, fly away my flamingo, 
Fly away, fly away, fly away, 
Bring the message to me. 

Fly, fly away, fly away my flamingo, 
Back to my home across the see... 
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