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French Kiss - Akcent

French Kiss
French Kiss

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She comes to class 
at half past seven, 
Me and the boys 
think she´s heaven, 
Mademoiselle Angelina 
french will teach, 
And we know it very well 
she´s a little bitch, 
But i know, 
From the class 
I´m the one that will pass. 

Cause everytime she´s teaching 
we go "C´est la vie!", 
Her lesson is french kissing 
and she´s kissing me, 
"Voulezvous" she´s singing 
I said let it be, 
If anybody´s asking 
"C´est la vie!". 

Cause everytime she´s teaching 
we go "C´est la vie!", 
Her lesson is french kissing 
and she´s kissing me, 
"Voulezvous" she´s singing 
I said let it be, 
If anybody´s asking 
"C´est la vie!". 

I turn eighteen 
and she is thirty, 
But she is hot 
and I am naughty, 
Mademoiselle Angelina 
french will teach, 
And we know it very well 
she´s a little bitch, 
But i know, 
From the class 
I´m the one that will pass. 

Cause everytime she´s teaching 
we go "C´est la vie!", 
Her lesson is french kissing 
and she´s kissing me, 
"Voulezvous" she´s singing 
I said let it be, 
If anybody´s asking 
"C´est la vie!". 

Cause everytime she´s teaching 
we go "C´est la vie!", 
Her lesson is french kissing 
and she´s kissing me, 
"Voulezvous" she´s singing 
I said let it be, 
If anybody´s asking 
"C´est la vie!". 

Cause everytime she´s teaching 
we go "C´est la vie!", 
Her lesson is french kissing 
and she´s kissing me, 
"Voulezvous" she´s singing 
I said let it be, 
If anybody´s asking 
"C´est la vie!". 

Cause everytime she´s teaching 
we go "C´est la vie!", 
Her lesson is french kissing 
and she´s kissing me, 
"Voulezvous" she´s singing 
I said let it be, 
If anybody´s asking 
"C´est la vie!". 

Cause everytime she´s teaching 
we go "C´est la vie!", 
Her lesson is french kissing 
and she´s kissing me, 
"Voulezvous" she´s singing 
I said let it be, 
If anybody´s asking 
"C´est la vie!". 

Cause everytime she´s teaching 
we go "C´est la vie!", 
Her lesson is french kissing 
and she´s kissing me, 
"Voulezvous" she´s singing 
I said let it be, 
If anybody´s asking 
"C´est la vie!". 

Cause everytime she´s teaching 
we go "C´est la vie!", 
Her lesson is french kissing 
and she´s kissing me, 
"Voulezvous" she´s singing 
I said let it be, 
If anybody´s asking 
"C´est la vie!". 
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