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Uptown Girl - Billy Joel

Uptown Girl
Uptown Girl
Billy Joel
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Uptown girl 
she´s been living in her uptown world. 
I bet she never had a back street guy. 
I bet her mamma never told her why. 
I´m gonna try for an uptown girl 
she´s been living in her 
white bread world 
as long as anyone with hot blood can. 
And now she´s looking for a 
downtown man that´s what I am. 
And when she knows what 
she wants from her time. 
And when she wakes up 
and makes up her mind. 
She´ll see I´m not so tough 
just because I´m in love with an 
uptown girl 
yeah I´ve seen her 
in her uptown world 
she´s getting tired 
of her high class toys. 
And all her presents 
from her uptown boys 
she´s got a choice. 
She´s an uptown girl 
you know I can´t afford 
to buy her pearls. 
But maybe someday 
when my ship comes in 
she´ll understand 
what kind of guy I´ve been 
and then I´ll win. 
And when she´s walking 
she´s looking so fine. 
And when she´s talking 
she´ll say that she´s mine. 
She´ll say I´m not so tough 
just because 
I´m in love with an uptown girl. 
She´s been living in her 
white bread world 
as long as anyone with hot blood can. 
And now she´s looking for 
a downtown man that´s what I am. 
Uptown girl 
she´s my uptown girl. 
You know I´m in love 
with an uptown girl 
my uptown girl. 
You know I´m in love 
with an uptown girl 
my uptown girl. 
You know I´m in love 
with an uptown girl 
my uptown girl. 
You know I´m in love 
with an uptown girl 
she´s an uptown girl. 
You know I´m in love 
with an uptown girl 
my uptown girl. 
You know I´m in love 
with an uptown girl... 
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