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Rockin´ Around The Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee

Rockin´ Around The Christmas Tree
Rockin´ Around The Christmas Tree
Brenda Lee
autor slow:
J. D. Marks
autor muzyki:
J. D. Marks

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Nuty PDF
Rockin´ around the Christmas tree 
At the Christmas party hop 
Mistletoe hung where you can see 
Every couple tries to stop 

Rockin´ around the Christmas tree 
Let the Christmas spirit ring 
Later we´ll have some pumpkin pie 
And we´ll do some caroling. 

You will get a sentimental feeling 
When you hear 
Voices singing: "Let´s be jolly 
Deck the halls with boughs of holly" 

Rockin´ around the Christmas tree 
Have a happy holiday 
Everyone dancin´ merrily 
In the new oldfashioned way 

You will get a sentimental feeling 
When you hear 
Voices singing: "Let´s be jolly 
Deck the halls with boughs of holly" 

Rockin´ around the Christmas tree 
Have a happy holiday 
Everyone dancin´ merrily 
In the new oldfashioned way 
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