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The Road To Hell - Chris Rea

The Road To Hell
The Road To Hell
Chris Rea
autor slow:
Chris Rea
autor muzyki:
Chris Rea
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

Well I´m standing by the river 
But the water doesn´t flow 
It boils with every poison 
You can think of 

And I´m underneath the streetlight 
But the light of joy I know 
Scared beyond belief 
Way down in the shadows 

And the perverted fear of violence 
Chokes the smile on every face 
And common sense is ringing 
Out the bell 

This ain´t no technological breakdown 
Oh no, this is the road to hell 
And all the roads jam up with credit 
And there´s nothing you can do 
It´s all just pieces of paper 
Flying away from you 

Oh look out world, take a good look 
What comes down here 
You must learn this lesson fast 
And learn it well 

This ain´t no upwardly mobile freeway 
Oh no, this is the road 
Said this is the road 
This is the road to hell 
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