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Love Is What We All Need - Kuizenga Leonie

Love Is What We All Need
Love Is What We All Need
Kuizenga Leonie

wybierz demo:

No more we 
was not such a good idea  
but now you are 
back with me 
I need some affection 
I expect you treat me 
with respect because 
it´s a proven fact 
it gives satisfaction 

Love is what we all need 
Without, no heart would beat 
It opens up my eyes 
and makes me realise 
love comes from deep inside 
It makes the world look bright 
Just like a heaven’s light  
It feels alright 
You behave like 
some kind of V. I. P. 
or are you just a wannabe 
to reach for perfection 
To make clear you 
won’t ever have to fear 
it will never disappear 
My endless compassion 

Love is what we all need 
Without, no heart would beat 
It opens up my eyes 
and makes me realise 
love comes from deep inside 
It makes the world look bright 
Just like a heaven’s light  
It feels alright 
Love is what we all need 
Without, no heart would beat 
It opens up my eyes 
and makes me realise 
love comes from deep inside 
It makes the world look bright 
Just like a heaven’s light  
It feels alright 

Love is what we all need 
Without, no heart would beat 
It opens up my eyes 
and makes me realise 
love comes from deep inside 
It makes the world look bright 
Just like a heaven’s light  
It feels alright  
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