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Is This Love - Alison Moyet

Is This Love
Is This Love
Alison Moyet
autor slow:
Alison Moyet, Jean Guiot
autor muzyki:
Alison Moyet, Jean Guiot
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

In a fleeting moment 
Of a restless day 
Driven to distraction 
I was captured by the game 

I have often wondered 
Why I ever wanted to 
Leave these scattered hours 
Behind me 
And speed myself to you 

I choose never to forget 
I want our lips to kiss 
And our limbs to entwine 
Let our bodies be twisted 
But never our minds 

Is this love? 
Is this love? 
Is this love? 
Is this love? 

Set to work idle hands 
Shake these thoughts had 
I planned them they 
Never would be teasing me 
As viciously as these 
I would not have believed you 
Had I never seen 
Now you and I are intimately 
Pictured In my dreams 

I could not forsake you or fall 
Tumbling away 
And if I live 
In wonderland 
I´m better off this way 

I choose never to forget 
I want our lips to kiss 
And our limbs to entwine 
Let our bodies be twisted 
But never our minds 

Is this love? 
Is this love? 
Is this love? 
Is this love? 

Set to work idle hands 
Shake these thoughts had 
I planned them they 
Never would be teasing me 
As viciously as these 
Is this love? 
Is this love? 
Is this love? 
Is this love? 
Is this love? 
Is this love? 
Is this love? 
Is this love? 
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