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You - Ten Sharp

Ten Sharp
autor slow:
Ton Groen, Niels Hermes
autor muzyki:
Ton Groen, Niels Hermes

wybierz demo:

It´s all right with me 
as long as you, are by my side 
Talk or just say nothing 
I don´t mind your looks never lie 

I was always on the rum 
finding out, 
what I was looking for and I 
was always insecure, Oo oo... 
Just until I found 

Words offen don´t come easy 
I never learned 
to show the inside 
do it me your not my baby 
But you all always patient 
dragging out what I try to hide 

yeah I was always on the rum 
finding out, 
what I was looking for and I 
was always insecure, 
Just until I found Oo oo... 

You, You are always on my mind 
You, You´re the one I´m living for 
You, you´re my everlasting fire 
no more... 
You´re my always shining star. 
You´re my always 
The night always a good friend 
a glass of wine 
and the lights dawn low 
and you lying beside me 
me full of love 
and filled with hope. 

You, You are always on my mind 
You, You´re the one I´m living for 
You, you´re my everlasting fire 
You no more... 

Always on my mind 
You, You´re the one I´m living for 
You, you´re my everlasting fire 
no more... 
You´re my always shining star 

Oooo... uhhaa 
You are always on my mind 
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