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Brother Louie (ver. 2) - Modern Talking

Brother Louie (ver. 2)
Brother Louie (ver. 2)
Modern Talking
autor slow:
Dieter Bohlen
autor muzyki:
Dieter Bohlen

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Music Styles for KORG
Nuty PDF
Deep love is a burning fire 
Stay, cause then the flames grow higher 
Babe, don’t let him steel your heart, it’s easy, easy 
Girl, this game can’t last forever 
Why we cannot live together 
Try, don’t let him take your love from me. 
You’re not good can’t you see brother Louie Louie Louie 
I’m in love set her free oh, she’s only looking to me 
Only love breaks a heart brother Louie Louie Louie 
Only love’s paradies oh, she’s only looking to me 

Brother Louie Louie Louie oh, she’s only looking to me 
Oh, let it Louie she’s undercover 
Brother Louie Louie Louie oh, doing what he’s doing 
So leave it Louie, ‘cause I’m her lover. 

Stay, ‘cause this boy wants to gamble 
Stay, love’s more than he can handle 
Girl, oh come on stay by me for ever, ever 
Why does he go on pretending 
That his love is never ending 
Babe, don’t let him steal your love from me 

You’re not good can’t you see brother Louie Louie Louie 
I’m in love set her free oh, she’s only looking to me 
Only love breaks a heart brother Louie Louie Louie 
Only love’s paradies oh, she’s only looking to me 

Brother Louie Louie Louie oh, she’s only looking to me 
Oh, let it Louie she’s undercover 
Brother Louie Louie Louie oh, doing what he’s doing 
So leave it Louie, ‘cause I’m her lover. 

Brother Louie Louie Louie oh, she’s only looking to me 
Oh, let it Louie she’s undercover 
Brother Louie Louie Louie oh, doing what he’s doing 
So leave it Louie, ‘cause I’m her lover. 
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