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Don´t Get Around Much Anymore - Krzysztof Krawczyk

Don´t Get Around Much Anymore
Don´t Get Around Much Anymore
Krzysztof Krawczyk

wybierz demo:

Missed the Saturday dance 
Heard they crowded floor 
Couldn´t bear it with out you 
Don´t get around much anymore. Thought I´d visit the club 
I got as far as the door 
They´d have asked me about you 
Don´t get around much anymore. 

Oh... Darling, 
I guess my mind´s more at ease 
But nevertheless, 
why stir up old memories 

Been invited on dates 
I might have gone but what for 
It´s awfully different without you 
Don´t get around much anymore 
dam du du di du du daj 
dua da dam du du du du dam 
du du du du du du du 
du du du du du du du 
du du du dam 

My darling, 
I guess my mind´s more at ease 
But nevertheless, 
why stir up old memories 

Been invited on dates 
I might have gone but what for 
It´s awfully different without you 
Don´t get around much anymore 
Awfully different without you 
dam ba dam 
Don´t get around much anymore 
dodaj do koszyka
brak zapisu nutowego
do tego utworu

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