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Objection (tango) - Shakira

Objection (tango)
Objection (tango)
autor slow:
autor muzyki:
czas trwania:

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It´s not her fault that 
She´s so irresistible, 
But all the damage she´s 
Caused is unfixable. 
Every twenty seconds you repeat her name, 
But when it comes to me, 
You don´t care, 
If I´m alive or dead, so: 

I don´t want to be the exception, 
To get a bit of your attention, 
Love is for free and 
I´m not your mother, 
But you don´t even bother. 
I´m tired of this triangle, 
Got a dizzy dancing tango, 
I´m falling apart in your hands again, 
No way, 
I´ve got to get away. 

Next to her cheap silicone 
I look minimal, 
That´s why in front of your eyes 
I´m invisible. 
But you´ve got to know, 
Small things also count, 
Better put your feet on the ground, 
And see what it´s about, so: 

I don´t want to be the exception, 
To get a bit of your attention, 
Love is for free and 
I´m not your mother, 
But you don´t even bother. 
I´m tired of this triangle, 
Got a dizzy dancing tango, 
I´m falling apart in your hands again, 
No way, no, no, no, no, no. 

I wish there was a chance for 
You and me, 
I wish you could find our 
Place to be, 
Away from here. 

This is pathetic and sardonic, 
And sadistic and psychotic, 
Tango is not for fun, 
Was never meant to be. 
But you can try it, rehearse it, 
Or train like a horse, 
But don´t you count on me, 
O, don´t you count on me boy. 

I don´t want to be the exception, 
To get a bit of your attention, 
Love is for free and 
I´m not your mother, 
But you don´t even bother. 
I´m tired of this triangle, 
Got dizzy dancing tango, 
I´m falling apart in your hands again. 
No way, 
I´ve got to get away. 

Get away, get away, 
Eh, eh, eh, get away, 
A ha ha he, a ha ha he, ahe, 
A ha ha he, a ha ha he, ahe, 
E, e, I´m falling apart in your hands again, 
Get away. 
I´m falling apart in your hands again. 
Get away, get away. 
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