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If I Let You Go - Westlife

If I Let You Go
If I Let You Go
autor slow:
Joergen Kjell Aake Elofsson, David Bengt Kreuger, Olof Per Magnusson
autor muzyki:
Joergen Kjell Aake Elofsson, David Bengt Kreuger, Olof Per Magnusson

wybierz demo:

Day after day time pass away 
I just can´t get you off my mind. 
Nobody knows I hide it inside 
I keep on searching but I can´t find. 
The courage to show to letting you know 
I´ve never felt so much love before. 
And once again I´m thinking about 
taking the easy way out. 
But if I let you go I will never know 
what my life would be 
holding you close to me. 
Will I ever see you smiling back at me? 
Oh Yeah 
How will I know if I let you go? 
Night after night I hear myself say 
Why can´t this feeling just fade away? 
There´s no one like you 
you speak to my heart 
It´s such a shame we´re worlds apart. 
I´m too shy to ask I´m too proud to lose 
but sooner or later I gotta choose. 
And once again I´m thinking about 
taking the easy way out. 
But if I let you go I will never know 
what my life would be 
holding you close to me. 
Will I ever see you smiling back at me? 
Oh Yeah 
How will I know if I let you go? 
If I let you go... 
Oooh baby... 
Once again I´m thinking about 
taking the easy way out 
But if I let you go I will never know 
what my life would be 
holding you close to me. 
Will I ever see you smiling back at me? 
Oh Yeah 
How will I know? 
But if I let you go I will never know 
Oh Baby 
Will I ever see you smiling back at me? 
Oh Yeah 
How will I know if I let you go?
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