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Girl - The Beatles

The Beatles
autor slow:
John Lennon, Paul McCartney
autor muzyki:
John Lennon, Paul McCartney
czas trwania:

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Is there anybody goin’ to 
Listen to my story, 
All about the girl who came to stay. 
She´s the kind of girl you want so much, 
It makes you sorry, 
Still you don´t regret a single day. 
Ah girl, 

When I think of all the times 
I´ve tried so hard to leave her, 
She will turn to me and start to cry. 
And she promises the earth to me, 
And I believe her, 
After all this time I don´t know why. 
Ah girl, 

She´s the kind of girl, who puts you down, 
When friends are there, you feel a fool. 
When you say she´s looking good, 
She acts as if it´s understood. 
She´s cool, ooh, ooh, ooh, 

Was she told when she was young that pain, 
Would lead to pleasure, 
Did she understand it when they said, 
That a man must break his back to earn, 
His day of leisure, 
Will she still believe it when he´s dead. 
Ah girl, 
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