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I Can See Clearly Now - Holly Cole

I Can See Clearly Now
I Can See Clearly Now
Holly Cole

wybierz demo:

I can see clearly now the rain is gone 
I can see all obstacles in my way. 
Gone are the dark clouds 
that had me blind. 
It´s gonna be a bright 
s´gonna be bright sun shiny day. 
I think I can make it now the pain is gone 
all of my bad feelings have 
There is the rainbow 
I´ve been praying for 
it´s gonna be a bright 
it´s gonna be bright sun shiny day. 
Look all around nothing but blue skies 
Look straight ahead 
nothing but blue skies. 
Look all around nothing but blue skies 
just look straight ahead 
nothing but blue skies. 
I can see clearly now the rain is gone 
I can see all obstacles in my way. 
And gone is the dark cloud it had me blind. 
It´s gonna be a bright 
gonna be bright sun shiny day. 
Gonna be a bright gonna be bright 
it´s gonna be bright sun shiny day. 
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