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Green Door - Shakin´ Stevens

Green Door
Green Door
Shakin´ Stevens

wybierz demo:

Midnight, one more night without sleeping 
Watching till the morning comes creeping 
Green door, 
What´s that secret you´re keepin? 

There´s an old piano 
And they play it hot 
Behind the green door 
(...Green door...) 
Don´t know what they´re doing 
But they laugh a lot 
Behind the green door 
(...Green door...) 
Wish they´d let me in 
So I could find out what´s 
Behind the green door 
(...Green door...) 

Knocked once, 
Tried to tell them I´d been there 
Door slammed, hospitality´s thin there 
Wonder just what´s going on in there 

Saw an eyeball peeping 
Through a smoky cloud 
Behind the green door 
(...Green door...) 
When I said "Joe sent me" 
Someone laughed out loud 
Behind the green door 
(...Green door...) 
All I want to do is 
Join the happy crowd 
Behind the green door 
(...Green door...) 
Midnight, one more night without sleeping 
Watching till the morning comes creeping 
Green door, 
What´s that secret you´re keepin? 

There´s an old piano 
And they play it hot 
Behind the green door 
(...Green door...) 
Don´t know what they´re doing 
But they laugh a lot 
Behind the green door 
(...Green door...) 
Wish they´d let me in 
So I could find out what´s 
Behind the green door 
(...Green door...) 

Saw an eyeball peeping 
Through a smoky cloud 
Behind the green door 
(...Green door...) 
When I said "Joe sent me" 
Someone laughed out loud 
Behind the green door 

All I want to do is 
Join the happy crowd 
Behind the green door 
(...Green door...) 

Wish they´d let me in 
So I could find out what´s 
Behind the green door. 
(...Green door...) 
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