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Massachusetts - Bee Gees

Bee Gees
autor slow:
Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb, Maurice Gibb
autor muzyki:
Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb, Maurice Gibb

wybierz demo:

Feel I´m goin´ back to Massachusetts, 
Something´s telling me I must go home. 
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts 
The day I left her standing on her own. 

Tried to hitch a ride to San Francisco, 
Gotta do the things I wanna do. 
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts 
They brought me back to see my way with you. 

Talk about the life in Massachusetts, 
Speak about the people I have seen, 
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts 
And Massachusetts is one place I have seen. 

I will remember Massachusetts... 
I will remember Massachusetts... 
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