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2 die 4 - Tove Lo

2 die 4
2 die 4
Tove Lo
czas trwania:

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You don´t look like in your photo 
You´re prettier than that 
Now I kinda wish that you said so 
Would´ve put in more effort 
You tell me I´m so beautiful 
But you seem really sad about something 
You tell me it´s ´cause your heart hurts 
But with me, you don´t feel bad 

Man, I hope you call me, call me 
´Cause I know I won´t let you down 
Man, I hope you believe, believe 
I´ll be here for you, here for you 

Look alive and come with me, 
You´re to die for everyday 
Drag you out at midnight 
To dance in headlights 
And making out in the rain. 
Look alive and come with me, 
You´re to die for everyday 
When I think about you, 
The world go less blue, 
Let´s do it over again. 

Look alive and come with me, 
You´re to die for everyday 
Drag you out at midnight 
To dance in headlights 
And making out in the rain. 
Look alive and come with me, 
You´re to die for everyday 
When I think about you, 
The world go less blue, 
Let´s do it over again. 
I´ll go on all your adventures 
If you wanna find yourself 
I´ve been to so many places 
But I´ve never felt better 

Man, I hope you call me, call me 
´Cause I know I won´t let you down 
Man, I hope you believe this 
I´ll be here for you, here for you 

Look alive and come with me, 
You´re to die for everyday 
Drag you out at midnight 
To dance in headlights 
And making out in the rain. 
Look alive and come with me, 
You´re to die for everyday 
When I think about you, 
The world go less blue, 
Let´s do it over again. 

Look alive and come with me, 
You´re to die for everyday 
Drag you out at midnight 
To dance in headlights 
And making out in the rain. 
Look alive and come with me, 
You´re to die for everyday 
When I think about you, 
The world go less blue, 
Let´s do it over again. 
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