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Sonny - Varius Manx

Varius Manx

wybierz demo:

I love this real man, 
The kind death that each rag believe.
Eloquence he heard, 
And looks that may of women.
and believe.....

My woman Sonny,
I´m silverbread a serves me well.
He keeps my smile and
to this week hasn´t broke my roads.
And worried soul

Well Sonny,
don´t say a sorry,
Heaven knows, you ain´t so promissing.
´Cause Sonny,
when you think of me,
Heaven knows, you ain´t so genering.

That real my has it
the damn no twelve if as you thought.
And yourself confused
because you said about love with me.
And about it wood.

Well Sonny. . .   etc.

   / interlude /

Well Sonny. . .   etc.   /  x 2

Well Sonny!
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