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The Power Of Goodbye - Madonna

The Power Of Goodbye
The Power Of Goodbye

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Your heart is not open so I must go. 
The spell has been broken, 
I loved you so. 
Freedom comes when you learn to let go. 
Creation comes when you learn to say no. 
You were my lesson I had to learn. 
I was your fortress you had to burn. 
Pain is a warning 
That something´s wrong, 
I pray to God that it won´t be long. 
Wanna go higher. 
There´s nothing left to try, 
There´s no place left to hide. 
There´s no greater power 
Than the power of goodbye. 
Your heart is not open so I must go. 
The spell has been broken. 
I loved you so. 
You were my lesson I had to learn. 
I was your fortress. 
There´s nothing left to lose. 
There´s no more heart to bruise. 
There´s no greater power 
Than the power of goodbye. 
Learn to say goodbye. 
I yearn to say goodbye. 
There´s nothing left to try, 
There´s no more place to hide. 
There´s no greater power 
Than the power of goodbye. 
There´s nothing left to lose. 
There´s no more heart to bruise. 
There´s no greater power 
Than the power of goodbye.
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