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Twist In My Sobriety - Tanita Tikaram

Twist In My Sobriety
Twist In My Sobriety
Tanita Tikaram
autor slow:
Tanita Tikaram
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Tanita Tikaram
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All God´s children need travelling shoes 
Drive your problem from here 
All good people read good books 
Now your conscience is clear 
I hear you talk girl 
Now your conscience is clear 

In the morning when I wipe my brow 
Wipe the miles away 
I like to think I can be so willed 
And never do what you say 
I never hear you 
And never do what you say 

Look my eyes are just holograms 
Look your love has drawn red from my hands 
From my hands you know you´ll never be 
More than twist in my sobriety 
More than twist in my sobriety 

We just poked a little pie 
For the fun that people had at night 
Late at night don´t need hostility 
The timid smile and pause to free 

I don´t care about their different thoughts 
Different thoughts are good for me 
Up in my arms and chaste and whole 
All God´s children took their toll 

Look my eyes are just holograms 
Look your love has drawn red from my hands 
From my hands you know you´ll never be 
More than twist in my sobriety 
More than twist in my sobriety 

Cup of tea, take time to think, yea 
Time to risk a life, a life, a life 
Sweet and handsome 
Soft and porky 
You pig out ´til you´ve seen the light 
Pig out ´til you´ve seen the light 

Look my eyes are just holograms 
Look your love has drawn red from my hands 
From my hands you know you´ll never be 
More than twist in my sobriety 
More than twist in my sobriety 
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