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Lucky - Britney Spears

Britney Spears
autor slow:
Max Martin, Rami Yacoub, Alexander Kronlud
autor muzyki:
Max Martin, Rami Yacoub, Alexander Kronlud

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Early morning, she wakes up 
Knock, knock, knock on the door 
It´s time for makeup, perfect smile 
It´s you they´re all waiting for 
They go... 
"Isn´t she lovely, this Hollywood girl?" 
And they say... 

She´s so lucky, she´s a star 
But she cry, cry, cries in her 
Lonely heart, thinking 
If there´s nothing missing in my life 
Then why do these tears come at night 

Lost in an image, in a dream 
But there´s no one there to wake her up 
And the world is spinning, 
And she keeps on winning 
But tell me what happens when it stops? 
They go... 
"Isn´t she lovely, this Hollywood girl?" 
And they say... 

She´s so lucky, she´s a star 
But she cry, cry, cries in her 
Lonely heart, thinking 
If there´s nothing missing in my life 
Then why do these tears come at night 
Isn´t she lucky, this Hollywood girl? 
She is so lucky, but why does she cry? 
If there´s nothing missing in her life 
Why do tears come at night? 

She´s so lucky, she´s a star 
But she cry, cry, cries in her 
Lonely heart, thinking 
If there´s nothing missing in my life 
Then why do these tears come at night 

She´s so lucky, she´s a star 
But she cry, cry, cries in her 
Lonely heart, thinking 
If there´s nothing missing in my life 
Then why do these tears come at night 
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