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Bolero - Soraya

autor slow:
Anton Monn, Shane Dempsey
autor muzyki:
Anton Monn
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

Music Soft for KORG
Midi for Korg Pa4x
Midi for Korg Pa700
Midi for Korg Pa1000
Midi for Korg Pa4x Musikant
Nuty PDF
Let´s not be the ones outside 
Looking at the world go by 
Saw you standing all alone. 

Wasted time has gone for good 
Play no more, its understood 
Come to the twilight zone. 

Let me feel your secret hand 
Like a feather on the sand 
Only made of gold. 

You can make me feel a king 
And surrender everything 
A fire can´t control. 

Hold me in your arms again, 
Strangers down a lonely lane. 
We can still survive 
Driftwood on the stream of life. 
Hold me in your arms again, 
Let me touch your velvet skin. 
No more lonely nights 
On the way of no return. 
See your mystery in your eyes 
And the emotion in your lies 
I feel the magic in your touch 
´Cause the wanting is too much. 

Hold me in your arms again, 
Strangers down a lonely lane. 
We can still survive 
Driftwood on the stream of life. 
Hold me in your arms again, 
Let me touch your velvet skin. 
No more lonely nights 
On the way of no return. 

Play me the bolero. 
My bolero. 

Hold me in your arms again, 
Strangers down a lonely lane. 
We can still survive 
Driftwood on the stream of life. 
Hold me in your arms again, 
Let me touch your velvet skin. 
No more lonely nights 
On the way of no return. 

Play me the bolero. 
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