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The Chance Of Love - Bee Gees

The Chance Of Love
The Chance Of Love
Bee Gees
czas trwania:

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You and me, we´re both the same 
It´s this life a lonely game 
I used to be a happy man 

And now I understand 
Just what it´s all about 
I never had a doubt 
On the chance of love 

As a boy, I lived down here 
I always saw you near 
To be together was happiness 

And I just can´t forget 
The moment we first kissed 
I´d like to try again 
On the chance of love 

Yeah, on the chance of love 
I´ll do anything 
To get you by my side 
On the sound of love 
I will love you girl, you´ll be mine 

All the world would then be free 
An apple falls from an apple tree 
You and I will be together 

And you will understand 
When I first take your hand 
I´ll open up the door 
To the chance of love 
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