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Flames of love - Brave

Flames of love
Flames of love
autor slow:
Sabrina Lorenz,Tess Teiges
autor muzyki:
Alfons Weindorf
czas trwania:

wybierz demo:

Music Soft for KORG
Midi for Korg Pa4x
Midi for Korg Pa700
Midi for Korg Pa1000
Midi for Korg Pa4x Musikant
Nuty PDF
What kind of man, 
What kind of man am I? 
I try to walk where I just fell, 
I try to break a secret spell, 
In your eyes 
I feel the flames of love. 

Flames of love, 
Flames of love, 
I´m drowning in the sea of love 
And enough is never enough. 
When I find myself deep in your eyes 
Over and over again 
Flames of love. 

What kind of fool, 
What kind of fool am I? 
I look for shadows in the sun, 
For memories of days to come, 
In your eyes 
I feel the flames of love. 

Flames of love, 
Flames of love, 
I´m drowning in the sea of love 
And enough is never enough. 
When I find myself deep in your eyes 
Over and over again 
Flames of love. 

Flames of love, 
I´m drowning in the sea of love 
And enough is never enough. 
When I find myself deep in your eyes 
Over and over again 
Flames of love. 
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