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New York Mining Disaster - Bee Gees

New York Mining Disaster
New York Mining Disaster
Bee Gees

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In the event of something happening to me 
There is something I would like you all to see 
It´s just a photograph of someone that I knew 

Have you seen my wife mr Jones 
Do you know what it´s like on the outside 
Don´t go talking too loud you´ll cause a landslide 
Mr Jones 

I keep straining my ears to the sound 
Maybe someone is digging underground 
Or have they given up and all gone home to bed 
Thinking those who once excisted must be dead 

Have you seen my wife mr Jones 
Do you know what it´s like on the outside 
Don´t go talking too loud you´ll cause a landslide 
Mr Jones 

In the event of something happening to me 
There is something I would like you all to see 
It´s just a photograph of someone that I knew 

Have you seen my wife mr Jones 
Do you know what it´s like on the outside 
Don´t go talking too loud you´ll cause a landslide 
Mr Jones 
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